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The ceramic works entitled “STACKs” came from of a visit to JingDeZhen, near Shanghai and famous for its porcelain. I had hoped the clay would be suitable for making hand molded delicately thin shapes, continuing my Komuki series of “Little Things” but porcelain is a brittle clay and prone to crumbling. 

While working in a studio residency workshop testing the clay, however, a pile of reject bowls and plates lumped together for recycling caught my eye and I started to work with this as a concept, making cups and bowls and plates and then using them while they were wet and flexible as building blocks for sculpture. 

These works, that resemble an Alice In Wonderland view of crockery, I have titled “STACKs” although for me they come under the umbrella of “Hou Chuo” and its refined clumsiness.


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